Cost: $20
Start Location: 17 Acre Travel Centre 2025 44, Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0
Check in time: Anytime between 9am – 11am at Angelo’s. Riders are free to go once checked-in.
Ride lunch: Stop at Hunters Maple Products pancake house (Participants own expense)
Ticket Sales end at 8pm on Friday Feb 21st.
Participant’s will be responsible to purchase their own meal at the lunch spot. Full menu options will be available.
Click on this link: Menus | Hunter’s Maple Products & Pancake House
Route will be signed and self guided.
There will be 50/50 tickets sold at the check-in trailer and the winning ticket will be announced at the lunch location. so please bring cash.
All proceeds will be going back into our trail system to repair needed sections and to ensure our trails are maintained throughout the year.
The dining Room at Angelo’s Restaurant will also be open for anyone wanting to have breakfast before the ride or supper after the ride.
Please fill out the event waiver at this link before buying your ticket.
If you want to pay by Credit Card, just click the PayPal button upon checkout and it will give you the option to continue with PayPal or pay by Credit Card.