Click Ride poster for details

Click Ride poster for details


Our Club trails are open but with limitations.
Always check OFATV Trail Map ( or the QUADOn App on your smart phone or your tablet before and during riding the trails, to ensure you know what trails are open and which ones are still closed (posted Nov 23rd, 2024)


Get your Pass, which allows you to ride on all OFATV trails throughout Ontario and reciprocal Provincial Clubs.

Welcome to the Johnstown ATV (JATV) Club website.

Our All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) club is located in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Our trail system extends from the 17 Acre Travel Centre & Restaurant (Angelo’s) near Johnstown to Merrickville and area, including west to North Augusta and consists of approximately 300kms of trails catering to die-hard and casual riders. We have a purpose built tunnel under highway 416, which allows us to have trails on both the east and west sides of the highway. The trails are open all year (including winter) with the exception of closure during the spring thaw and district deer hunting rifle seasons. Trail conditions vary throughout the year. Bring your ATV or side by side and have a great ride.

A valid Ontario Federation of All-Terrain Vehicle (OFATV) membership or OFATV day pass is required to ride on OFATV club trails. As a member of OFATV you have access to thousands of kilometers of trails across Ontario. Through reciprocal agreements you can also ride all PEI ATV Federation trails and Nova Scotia ATV Association Trails.

Trail Maps

Check out the trails, parking & more.

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2 days ago
Johnstown ATV Club

Woohoo! Look at all that snow with more to come over the weekend! Our dedicated group of volunteers are readying the trails to make this winter ride one of the best yet! The forecast for February 22nd looks stellar and Hunter's Maple Products & Pancake House are busy preparing to welcome us. Hard to beat that winning combination!

Click here for details and to register
Starting location is 17 Acre Travel Centre & Angelo's Restaurant.
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Woohoo!  Look at all that snow with more to come over the weekend!  Our dedicated group of volunteers are readying the trails to make this winter ride one of the best yet!  The forecast for February 22nd looks stellar and Hunters Maple Products & Pancake House  are busy preparing to welcome us.  Hard to beat that winning combination!

Click here for details and to register
Starting location is 17 Acre Travel Centre & Angelos Restaurant.

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Registered, looking forward to it, have never been up that way riding, not have I been out winter riding so should be an experience for sure.

2 weeks ago
Johnstown ATV Club

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I will

When will the trails be open?


Yes , can't wait to enjoy 😊

Nice can’t wait

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Club Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month (Except for August) at Angelo's Restaurant at 9am and usually are followed by a ride.









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Want to learn more?

Find out more about the Johnstown ATV Club
and how becoming a member will benefit you.