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Click Ride poster for details


Our Club trails are open but with limitations.
Always check OFATV Trail Map ( or the QUADOn App on your smart phone or your tablet before and during riding the trails, to ensure you know what trails are open and which ones are still closed (posted Nov 23rd, 2024)


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Welcome to the Johnstown ATV (JATV) Club website.

Our All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) club is located in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Our trail system extends from the 17 Acre Travel Centre & Restaurant (Angelo’s) near Johnstown to Merrickville and area, including west to North Augusta and consists of approximately 300kms of trails catering to die-hard and casual riders. We have a purpose built tunnel under highway 416, which allows us to have trails on both the east and west sides of the highway. The trails are open all year (including winter) with the exception of closure during the spring thaw and district deer hunting rifle seasons. Trail conditions vary throughout the year. Bring your ATV or side by side and have a great ride.

A valid Ontario Federation of All-Terrain Vehicle (OFATV) membership or OFATV day pass is required to ride on OFATV club trails. As a member of OFATV you have access to thousands of kilometers of trails across Ontario. Through reciprocal agreements you can also ride all PEI ATV Federation trails and Nova Scotia ATV Association Trails.

Trail Maps

Check out the trails, parking & more.

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1 week ago

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2 weeks ago

To all ATV and SxS riders, please stay off of snowmobile groomed trails. The Snowmobile trails are still open and ATV and SxS are not permitted! ... See MoreSee Less

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While I haven’t been on the trails myself during winter, we do pay for our year-long trail passes. Might be time to rethink how this works. If the ATV/SxS trails are off limits for say 4 months out of the year, then the passes should only cost 66% of today’s cost. The rest of the money would come from the snowmobile club for the time they are closed for them.

Ride safe my friends.

What if there was a year with no/low snow, and you couldn’t ride because your pass wasn’t valid?!? Snowmobiles pay for a “year pass” and you don’t hear them complaining. Pay the money and shut up.

I think the message was to stay off of groomed SNOWMOBILE trails. Didn’t say anything about the ATV or side-by-side trails

I'm not aware of anything else you could be doing for $150 a year. Johnstown is one of the few that groom their trails so we have somewhere to ride. Do you people ask for a discount on your pool? You can only use it 3-4 months a year! Do you ask for a property tax discount? You can't really use your back yard when it's buried in snow. It cost way more to get a snowmobile tail permit and some years their trails barely even open. Why does anyone pay full price for anything we can't do year round? If you feel you're not getting full use of your trail permit and the $37.50 (25% of 150) is an issue. Then you should probably find a cheaper sport.

I don't know guys, thinking this over, this has been a fairly rare winter for the snowmobile trails and they do pay twice as much for the lottery days of the season, I say let them have it, remember there are lots out there that abuse and don't respect the rules of sharing..there are also lots that do respect.. I do believe the Limerick play zone should allow us(atv) through the winter... Apparently were closed due to excessive snow, we are to ride at own risk, so let it be and let is ride at our own risk,but stay off the trails so snowmobiles -can enjoy..And atvcan enjoy Limerick, in winter I think that would be fair..

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Club Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month (Except for August) at Angelo's Restaurant at 9am and usually are followed by a ride.













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